Mums Available For Free-Will Donation At WILO Courtesy Of Muck Creek Farm

Cindy Loveless and representatives from Muck Creek Farm pose with the mums available for the community.

Muck Creek Farm announced its donation of mums to benefit the United Way for Clinton County as a means of giving back to the community.

Community members may pick up a mum at the Kaspar Media station at 1401 W. Barner St. in Frankfort for a free-will donation. All proceeds raised through the donations will benefit the United Way for Clinton County.

The Muck Creek representatives provided numerous tips for the community to account for when caring for a mum.

Mums should be watered from the bottom rather than sprayed from their blooms, and mums are noted as “loving water” due to the amount of water that they can absorb.

Community members are encouraged to place their mums in the ground as soon as possible with fertilizer as well as place a cover over the mums in the instance that frost may form to have a higher probability of the mums returning next year.

The representatives stated that if the mums are planted now, they have around another month of blooms before they may need to be covered due to frost.

Muck Creek also stated that they will deliver donations to other community organizations, such as Carroll Manor and Wesley Manor for the residents.

Mums may be picked up at Kaspar Media at 1401 W. Barner St. in Frankfort on weekdays for a free-will donation to benefit the United Way for Clinton County.

For more information regarding Muck Creek, visit