With the school year now in full swing, the Frankfort Community Public Library is launching Homework Help, a new program intended to help students achieve academic success.
The program, which is free and geared for grades 6-12, will be available Monday–Wednesday from 5-6 p.m. and Thursday 4-6 at the Edge in the Frankfort Library. Students may receive help on most junior high and high school subjects including help with research projects, large papers, tutoring, or test preparation. Appointments are possible but not necessary and walk-ins are welcome.
For detailed help with papers or essays, students should send rough drafts and assignment descriptions to homework@myfcpl.org. Our Teen Librarian or Homework Helper will read the paper for grammar or punctuation errors and schedule a time with the student to discuss improvements.
Current Homework Helpers hold degrees or specialties in English, history, or science. As the program progresses, we hope to add experts in more subject areas. Applications to volunteer for this program are available on the Frankfort Library website at www.myfcpl.org.
For more information please contact Rachel in the Teen Department. rmilburn@myfcpl.org or (765)654-8746.