Paul Phillippe Resource Center Black, White & Gold Prom Set For Aug. 10

Paul Phillippe Resource Center has announced its Black, White & Gold Prom scheduled for Aug. 10 as a fundraiser for the senior center.

The prom will take place on Saturday, Aug. 10 from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. with doors opening at 6 p.m. The event will be for ages 21 and up.

“Join us for a night of dancing, hors d’oevres and a silent auction to raise money for Paul Phillippe Resource Center Senior Center,” the organization released.

The event will be held at 51 West Event Center at 51 W. Clinton St. in Frankfort with a cash bar available.

Tickets are $45 for regular pricing after May 3 or $300 for a whole table of eight seats.

For more information contact Paul Phillippe Resource Center at 765-659-4060 or visit