Paver Bricks Can Be Ordered Until the End of January

Veterans Affairs Officer Joe Root talks to the public at the Veterans Memorial.

Clinton County Veteran’s Service Officer Joe Root wants to send a message to all his Veterans and their families — he will be ordering paver bricks for the Veterans Memorial on the south side of the courthouse square at the end of January.

Root said it takes approximately two months to get them made and for him to pick them up. After he picks them up and the weather breaks, they will be installing them in the Memorial. Root added he only orders once a year at the end of January so they can come in and be installed in the spring before Memorial Day. Cost of the paver bricks and the amount of donation is $100.

Anyone that has been putting off ordering the bricks for one of their Veterans or loved one needs to go to Root’s office at Room 108 in Old Stoney before the end of the month. Root only orders pavers once a year. If you do not make it to his office, none will be available until next year.

Most people know the Memorial is paid for in the donations from the sale of the paver bricks. Root’s office hours are 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. His phone number is 765-659-6389.