Pickard Masonic Lodge Annual Pancake Breakfast

Story Contributor Loyd Bonecutter

Pickard Masonic Lodge # 690, chartered May 27th, 1913, held a fund raising breakfast on April 2, 2022. After holding the broadcast for 32 consecutive years the past two years were a causality of COVID19 Approximately 139 neighbors, friends, and Brother Masons gathered to enjoy biscuits and gravy, sausage patties, and maybe a pancake or two. Twenty five meals were carried out for family members. Beverages including; coffee, orange juice, un-sweet tea and milk were available.

Looks like a good visit for the Pickard community.

Pickard Masonic Lodge meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month except June, July and August.

Pictures, drone coverage of Pickard Lodge, and video provided by Erick Dirks can be seen by clicking the links below.

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Photo by Erick Dircks