The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at Decatur Central High School (in the cafeteria), 5251 Kentucky Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46221, the hearing will begin at 6 p.m.
The purpose of the public hearing is to offer all interested persons an opportunity to comment on preliminary design plans and environmental documentation for the proposed added travel lanes project on Interstate 465 (I-465) in Indianapolis, Marion County. The project consists of two sections: Section A/B, from 0.3 mile west of the I-465/U.S. 31 interchange to the I-465/I-65 interchange; and Section C from the I-465/I-70 interchange to the I-465/Mann Road interchange.
The purpose of the I-465 Reconfiguration Project is to improve overall traffic operation within these sections of I-465 by reducing congestion, meeting current design standards for ramp lengths and improving safety.
The needs for this project are due to insufficient capacity along I-465 and safety issues that result in a high rate of crashes for this type of facility. Safety issues include interchange ramp lengths that do not meet current Indiana Design Manual standards. The traffic capacity analysis identified substandard levels of service within the project area.
The proposed work for Section A/B includes building auxiliary lanes to the outside on I-465, reconfiguring the eastbound I-465 to the northbound and southbound U.S. 31 exit ramps and extending the entrance lane from southbound U.S. 31 to eastbound I-465. Additionally, the Madison Avenue, Keystone Avenue and Carson Avenue bridges will be replaced. The proposed work for Section C includes added travel lanes along the inside shoulder of I-465, lengthening the I-465/S.R. 67 interchange ramps and replacement of the Mooresville Road Bypass Bridge.
All work will occur within existing right-of-way. During construction, traffic will be maintained along I-465 with shoulder and lane closures. Local roads will experience closures while the Madison Avenue, Keystone Avenue, Carson Avenue and Mooresville Road Bypass Bridges are replaced and detours will be provided.
Based on the INDOT Traffic Noise Analysis Procedure (2017), the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of noise barriers were considered at all locations in the project area where noise impacts were identified under the future build alternative. Based on this evaluation, 10 feasible and cost-effective barriers are proposed for this project.
The Categorical Exclusion Level 4 (the type of environmental document prepared for this project) and preliminary design plans are available to view prior to the public hearing at the following locations:
- Indianapolis Public Library-Decatur Branch, 5301 Kentucky Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46221; PHONE 317-275-4330
- Indiana Department of Transportation Greenfield District Office, 32 South Broadway Street, Greenfield, IN 46140; PHONE 1-855-463-6848
- Public Hearings Examiner, Indiana Department of Transportation, Indiana Government Center North Bldg, Room N642, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46204-2216; PHONE 317-232-6601
- I-465 Reconfiguration Project website:
INDOT is soliciting public comments regarding the environmental documentation and preliminary design plans for the I-465 Reconfiguration project and encourages the community to attend the public hearing. Public comments will be accepted through Friday, January 10, 2020. INDOT respectfully requests comments be submitted by this time. Verbal statements for the public record will be accepted during a public comment session offered during the public hearing immediately following the formal presentation. Written comments may be submitted prior to the public hearing and during the comment period to: Daniel Miller, PARSONS, 101 West Ohio Street, Suite 2121, Indianapolis, IN 46204, email:
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and with advance notice, INDOT coordinates accommodations for persons with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids including but not limited to sign language interpretation, alternative format documents and other ADA supportive services. Should accommodation be required please contact Rickie Clark, INDOT Office of Public Involvement at 317-232-6601 or email
In addition, and in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, INDOT will coordinate accommodation for persons of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) requiring auxiliary aids and/or supportive services including but not limited to in-person language interpretation, alternative format documents and other services as needed. Should accommodation be required email