Purdue Extension Hosting Integrated Pest Management Series

Purdue Extension Clinton County is having an Integrated Pest Management Series on February 19, 20 and 21 from 8:30-11:30 a.m. at the Kempton Town Hall, 205 S. Main St., Kempton.

Sessions for the three-day event include: February 19 — Plant Disease, Austin Pearson and Resistance Management, Adam Shanks; February 20 — Insect Pests, Adam Shanks and Weed Pests, Austin Pearson; and February 21 — Application Technology, Austin Pearson, Machine Clean Out, Adam Shanks and Private Applicator Record Keeping, Regulatory Topic. Cat 1,14, RT, PARP (Feb. 21 additional $10 required at session), and CEUs Pending Refreshments will be provided at all sessions. The cost is $55 per person.

All three sessions are required and can register at http://www.cvent.com/d/p6q713. The registration deadline is February 15. If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in this program or have a dietary restriction, prior to the meeting, contact Austin Pearson at 765-675-1177 or Adam Shanks at 765-659-6380, extension 1813 to make arrangements.