Purdue Extension PARP Farm Stress Team Program Kicks Off Jan. 29; Boone County Program Set For March 13

Community members have been encouraged to join the Purdue Extension Farm Stress Team for a pesticide applicator recertification program that meets during the winter month to provide updates on regulations, farm stress and industry trends.

The program includes a meal and has pesticide applicator recertification program, PARP, credits available.

The winter meetings include Jan. 29 in Dekalb County for the northern region, Feb. 4 in Jackson County and  March 13 in Boone County for the central region and Feb. 24 in Gibson County for the southern region.

For more information and registration, visit extension.purdue.edu.

To register directly for the Boone County program, call the Boone County Purdue Extension office at 765-482-0750.