20th Annual Relay For Life In Video and Photos

Photo by Erick Dircks

Shine 99/WSHW Broadcast LIVE from the Clinton County Relay for Life Saturday.   Cindy Loveless set up in the small Gym at Frankfort High School and had the opportunity to interview organizers and survivors.

Now check out the captivating footage Erick Dircks put together to memorialize the event this last Saturday.

The attendance to the event was down significantly. Organizers  are considering changes and improvements to improve the event next year.  Clinton County Daily News has also learned that the Howard County Relay for Life event turnout was also down.

Clinton County Daily News will share any changes that may be in store as the information is available to us.  In the meantime, enjoy these photos and video of this important event by Erick Dircks.

For Pictures of Relay for Life by Erick Dircks: CLICK HERE

FaceBook Users: CLICK HERE
