Robotics in Manufacturing Camp Coming to YMCA

The Clinton County Family YMCA has partnered with the Greater Lafayette Chamber of Commerce to offer a Robotics in Manufacturing Camp for children in grades 3-6 the week of July 27. Each day will include a manufacturing focus and a life skills theme. The schedule is as follows:

Monday: Robotics and Communication

Tuesday: Welding and Teamwork

Wednesday: Machining and Problem Solving

Thursday: Logistics and Leadership

Friday: Production and Continual Improvement

Programming will be held 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. Children will participate in frequent handwashing and sanitation. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Children will also receive a T-shirt for each day. The cost to participate in the Clinton County Y’s Summer Camp program is $106 for Members and $132 for Non Members per week. 

If you’d like to sign up your child, please stop by the Y to register your child at 950 S. Maish Rd., Frankfort or  call (765) 654-9622.