Saturn, Moon, Jupiter Center Stage At Camp Cullom Saturday Night

What are your plans for Saturday Night?

If you have never seen the Moon, Saturn or Jupiter up close and personal, consider coming to one of the last openhouses of the year at Prairie Grass Observatory at Camp Cullom.  The evening is Free for all and includes Constellation talks and telescope tours by Andy Schilling, Russ Kaspar and other volunteer trustees at the Observatory.

Prairie Grass Observatory Open House Saturday starting at 8:00 PM

Prairie Grass Observatory at Camp Cullom will open up its telescopes, binocular stations, space videos at the Galileo Gallery and meteorite collection so area families can see the rings of Saturn, craters on the moon, rings and moons of Jupiter and much more.

Camp Cullom is located on County Road 200 North just east of the Mulberry-Jefferson Blacktop.  Camp Cullom is a 90 acre Camp owned by the Children of Clinton County and has one of the largest Astronomical Observatories in the State of Indiana.

The Saturday open house and moon/planet/star viewing begins at 8:00 PM until about 10:30 PM.

The weather forcast looks ideal for this Saturday’s Openhouse at Camp Cullom and will be one of the last opportunities to view the Stars and Planets at the Observatory this year.

More information at

Camp Cullom is a 501 C-3 United Way Agency and is governed by a Board comprised of representatives from Zonta, Lions Club, Kiwanis, Rotary, Boys and Girls Club, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Mulberry Communty Club, and other non-profits and at-large directors.

Prairie Grass Observatory Photo of Saturn taken by John Mahony. Saturn will be visible during the open house Saturday Night.  Russ Kaspar and Andy Schilling and other members of the Wabash Valley Astronomical Society will be on hand to answer questions and give you a guided tour of the heavens.