Frankfort Unified Neighborhoods, commonly known as the F.U.N Group, will be hosting the Scare on the Square and Trunk or Treat on Tuesday, Oct. 31 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in downtown Frankfort.
The F.U.N Group will team up with the 7 Lights of Trepidation Haunted House Fundraiser crew to continue the scares on the square during the Frankfort Main Street trick or treat hours. Attendees will be treated to a trunk or treat contest and a costume contest throughout the night with various prizes. The trunk or treat contest will award $250 to the first-place finisher, $150 to the second-place finisher and $100 to the third-place finisher. The costume contest will award $25 to the first-place finisher, $10 to the second-place finisher and $5 to the third-place finisher. The costume contest will be separated and judged by age groups, including 0-3, 4-7 and 8 and above. Judging will commence at 6:30 p.m.
The F.U.N Group is requesting candy donations for the event as the members expect more than 1,000 trick-or-treaters to roam the streets of downtown Frankfort in search of candy during the allotted hours. Donations may be delivered to C & R Catering at 8 S. Main St. in Frankfort during business hours of 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., or donors may contact Rodney Mounts at 765-242-6410 or Jane Laughner at 765-605-3752.