Silver Alerts Will Include “Missing Endangered Child” Category

Effective July 1, 2018, Indiana House Bill 1248 becomes law and will amend Indiana Code 10-13-5-4.4 to include “missing endangered child”.

The amended law defines a ‘missing endangered child’ as a missing child who is believed to be incapable of returning to the missing child’s residence without assistance because of:

1. Mental illness;

2. Intellectual disability; or

3. Another physical or mental disability

The change in the law has resulted in an update to the Silver Alert criteria, as listed below:

1. The person must be a Missing Endangered Adult, Missing Endangered Child, High Risk Missing Person or have a mental impairment validated through a credible medical authority (Physician, Physician’s Assistant, or Nurse Practitioner).

2. There must be enough descriptive information to believe the broadcast will help.

3. Request must be recommended by the law enforcement agency of jurisdiction.

4. Enter the person into Indiana Data and Communications System (IDACS) /National Crime Information Center (NCIC).

There is no change to the AMBER Alert criteria, as listed below:

1. The child must be under 18 years of age.

2. The child must be believed to be abducted, and in danger of serious bodily harm or death.

3. There must be enough descriptive information to believe the broadcast will help.

4. Request must be recommended by the law enforcement agency of jurisdiction.


– If you know someone who goes missing, immediately contact your local law enforcement.

– Consider using your social media for assistance.

– Routinely keep updated images of your children and immediate family members.

– Routinely keep in contact with those who may be suffering from a mental or physical impairment.

– Contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) at 1-800-843-5678 for additional resources and assistance related to missing children.

Go to to be notified about AMBER/Silver Alerts.

Questions or assistance requests should be directed to:

Indiana Clearinghouse for Information on Missing Children and Missing Endangered Adults


Phone: 800-831-8953
