The City of Frankfort Departments and Frankfort Municipal Utilities have been working to repair power outages and clear city streets since Friday evening.
“Thank you to all of the Utility employees, First Responders, Frankfort Street Department, and EMA for assessing the community’s needs and working tirelessly to get Frankfort back up and running,” stated Mayor Judy Sheets. “Most of them have been away from their families since Friday night, and I know they have more work to do in the coming days. Thank you to the Lebanon Utilities for helping our crews out over the weekend and today. They have been all over the city helping where needed, and I can’t thank them enough.”
Mayor Sheets met with her department heads Monday morning to assess the community and how we (Frankfort) can all work together to clean up and rebuild.
The Building Services department would like to extend their services to residents by referring citizens to reputable companies and contractors. Director Don Stock wants to remind everyone that scammers and storm chasers are out there looking to take advantage of property owners. Please check business references and have a contract signed before making payments/deposits. If residents need assistance with clean-up, the Building Services office has information for the Neighbors Helping Neighbors Program. If you have any questions about contractors or any of the assistance programs, please call the Building Services Department at 765.654.5278.
The Frankfort Street Department will collect brush starting today (Monday) and will continue until they run out of work orders. Crews have started in the southwest and the southeast quadrants of Frankfort with two teams (1 loader and 3-1 ton trucks per team). Residents can call in their location for earlier pick-up by contacting the Street Department office at 765.659.2912. Please put your brush piles by the property edge, not to block storm drains, sidewalks, or alley access. The Street Department is unable to take any debris from property damage like shingles or siding. The City of Frankfort reached out to Wamplers and Winski, who have roll-off dumpsters. Please contact them directly for questions and how to reserve them:
Wamplers: 765.659.3721 and Winski: 765.654.5323.
The Republic Services Clinton County Landfill (2700 North State Road 39, Frankfort) is open from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm, Monday thru Friday. Please contact them at 765.654.8144 for specific questions on what residents can drop off.
“We are picking up brush as quickly as we can. We have our “chipper” out to clear as much as possible. If you hire a tree service company, please ensure they are insured and can remove, clean up, and hall away, stated Street Superintendent Jason Forsythe. The Street Department is open Monday to Thursday (closed Friday for Good Friday) from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm. The Street Department will be available this Saturday, April 8th, from
8:00 am to noon for residents to bring in brush.
Clinton County Assessor, Jada Ray, wanted to ensure residents know that the Clinton County Assessor’s Office has forms for properties that have been partially or totally destroyed by a disaster and allows them to reassess the property. For additional information, property owners can contact Jada Ray at 765.659.6315 or by emailing
“We are fortunate that no lives were lost, but we have a long road ahead. We know families in our community have lost so much, so together, let’s help our neighbors and see what we can do. Let’s work together and help those in need, said Mayor Judy Sheets. “My office is available for citizens to call, and we will help you the best way we can.”
Sheets’ contact information is 765.654.7332 or