SWCD Tree Sampling Give-A-Way Set

In celebration of Arbor Day and the National Assn. of Conservation Districts’ Soil and Water Stewardship Week the Clinton County Soil and Water Conservation District will be handing out free tree seedlings. This year we would like to encourage families to celebrate the many benefits of trees in our community by encouraging them to do something fun and positive outdoors….plant a tree!

Trees and forests are critical in providing clean air and water, healthy soil, abundant wildlife habitat and valuable resources we use every day.  The theme for the 2022 Stewardship Week theme is Healthy Soil Healthy Life.

Trees will be available for pick-up on the porch of the USDA Service Center located at 860 S. Prairie Ave., Frankfort.  Please park and one person from your vehicle should walk up to the porch to pick up your tree(s).  If someone is already in the pickup area please remain in your car and wait until they have returned to their car before proceeding to the pickup area.

Three tree species are being offered –  Shumard Oak, Pin Oak and Shagbark Hickory bare root seedlings –while supplies last.  Limit of four trees per family.  You may pick up tree seedlings beginning April 25-29 during regular business hours of 8:30 a.m.—4:30 p.mSWCD.  Planting instructions will be provided.