The Caring Center Hosts First SOUPer Bowl CanStruction Contest In February

The Caring Center in Lebanon has announced the first iteration of its SOUPer Bowl CanStruction Contest that it will host this year as community members work together as a team to gather cans and building something with them to vie for the Traveling Trophy.

Community members are encouraged to utilize their cans that they gather to create a masterpiece and capture a photo before submitting their entries by Feb. 28. Entries will be voted on during the week of March 3 through March 6 on Facebook, and the winner with the most votes will receive the Traveling Trophy. The winner will be announced on Friday, March 7.

Participants are then encouraged to donate their cans that were used in the contest to The Caring Center’s Food Pantry to benefit the community.

Contest Rules:

  • Structures must be supported internally and externally by canned food and/or beverage cans between leveling materials.
  • You can use the following materials to help support your build (provided they do not damage cans or labels): Velcro, magnets, zip-ties, tape, silicone, Rubber bands, nylon string, wire mesh or wire,Wood or steel rods, PVC pipe, threaded metal rods.No 2×4’s
  • Leveling materials (templates) not greater than 1/4″ thick (6mm)
  • Examples of approved leveling materials are: cardboard, foam-core, masonite, MDF, plywood, plexiglass, fiberglass.
  • Props may be used, however, it is best to solve design problems with food items. Try to make them out of food items such as tea or coffee bags, condiment packets, small bags of chips, etc.
  • Participating groups are responsible for obtaining their own supply of canned goods.
  • Expired canned food should not be used in the competitions as the food cannot be accepted by The Caring Center.
  • Groups may solicit canned goods and/or financial donations from Manufacturers, Sponsors, Vendors, and Food Drives.

Items need to be delivered to The Caring Center by March 15. Canned goods need to be boxed and weigh no more than 25 lbs.

For examples, more information and programs, visit or The Caring Center Facebook page.