United Way of Clinton County along with the Boys and Girls Club, Center Township, Fire Departments, Rotary and YMCA will provide dinner/supper items for families to cook for their families the week of March 23-27 and March 30-April 3. Pick up times will be from 5-6:30 p.m. at the following three locations — YMCA will be at Eastside Park, Center Township Office and the Boys and Girls Club.
Families will need to bring their own bags, laundry basket etc. to collect the items for that day’s meal. We will have one dinner/supper for each family. We will only provide one per family. You can stay to see if there is anything left but please note we will only pass out one meal per family.
If anyone would like to donate to COVID-19 Emergency Fund you may do so through the United Way For Clinton County. Credit card donations can be taken over the phone. Please call our office at (765) 654-5573 for details. The monies donated to the Emergency Fund COVID-19 will go directly to this cause. If there are monetary donations or food left after the cause, then the community partners have decided to distribute the funds to the local school’s backpack programs for our food insecurity families.
We are looking for the following non-perishable items. If you can donate any of these items, please drop them off at the Boys and Girls Club by Friday, March 20:
Canned Soup
Chili in Cans
Any canned vegetables
Fruit Cups/Pudding Cups
Spaghetti & Sauce
Boxed Mashed Potatoes
Canned Ravioli etc.
Canned Chicken or Tuna
Peanut Butter
Cream of Chicken/Mushroom Soup
Canned Soups
Any type of snacks