Members of the Frankfort City Council, Clinton County Commissioners, Clinton County Council and Frankfort Board of Works, along with 25 individuals from the public that included local official and Industrial Park representatives, gathered at the Community Schools of Frankfort Administration Building Monday night to hear a presentation on the Local Trax Program.
Three individuals from Butler, Fairman and Seufert presented the program which detailed how the Trax Program works, where the overpass would be built and the costs.
The focus of the overpass is on Roy Scott Parkway. Estimated cost of the project is $10.15 million. However, the state will fund 80 percent of the project which makes the city and county portion just a little over $2 million. The railroad is expected to chip in a 5% match. Design and construction inspection is all paid by the Indiana Department of Transportation.
MIke Eichenauer of Butler, Fairman and Seufert said the project would be built in INDOT’s Fiscal Year of 2022, which means it could start in July 2021.
Eichenauer added about 40 applications are expected for this venture with only about 10 to 12 projects selected. He said the application deadline is Friday, August 31, at 5 p.m. and projects will be announced at the end of September.
Frankfort Mayor Chris McBarnes said each group will take this proposal back to their respective groups and decide if they want to do this.