Chamber Hosting Homebuyers Roundtable

The Clinton County Chamber of Commerce is hosting a ‘First Time Homebuyers Roundtable’ on Thursday, October 19, at 6:30 p.m. at Primera Iglesia Bautista located at 300 E. Clinton St., in Frankfort.

Thinking about buying a house? Think buying on contract is a good idea? How does credit affect buying? What does a home inspection mean? Attend the Roundtable and get those questions answered and more.

The Roundtable will be broken into three different discussions: 6:35 p.m. — Realtor Roundtable; 7:05 p.m. — Lender Roundtable; and 7:35 p.m. — Home Inspection Roundtable. The Roundtable is scheduled to end at 8 p.m.

Clinton County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Shan Sheridan will introduce board members and host Leo Gonzalez at 6:30 p.m. For more information, contact Jason Wilhite at 765-654-5507.