Trends Point Toward Opening Up Economy

Three maps show a positive trend indicating increasing evidence the national economy is getting ready to open again.

According to the White House task force, the resumption of commerce will take place on a state by state basis. This state by state approach reflects the wide variation observed in COVID-19 infection observed in the following maps.

The first map shows flu-like illness 3 weeks ago, ending March 28. The second map shows flu-like illness 2 weeks ago, ending April 4. The third map shows flu-like illness 1 week ago, ending April 11.

As a result of this 3 week trend the White House is co-ordinating a reopening of the economy with governors nationwide.  Based on the latest information announced in a press briefing at the White House,  each state will open as that state sees fit.

Clinton County Daily News, Boone County Daily News, WILO and Shine 99 Radio will have more on this as details are known.

The state-by-state approach to reopening the national economy will receive guidance from the White House in a phased customized path for each state or region: