Industrial Park Planned for Whitestown

Inside INdiana Business is reporting that two central Indiana developers are proposing a $113 million industrial park in Whitestown. According to documents filed with the town, the GreenParke development would take eight years to complete and could bring 980 full-time jobs to the area.

The project includes six industrial buildings totaling more than two million square feet, plus additional buildings totaling more than 37,000 square-feet. The 170-acre development would be located just off Interstate 65.

The project would create approximately 324 office jobs with an average salary of $50,000 and 656 warehouse jobs with an average salary of $31,200.

GreenParke is being developed by Strategic Capital Partners in Indianapolis and Lord Realty Holdings in Carmel. A Whitestown spokesperson tells Inside INdiana Business the developers are working to complete the purchase of the land from Illinois-based Verus Partners.

The Whitestown Town Council has approved the economic development agreement, which will be considered for approval next week by the Whitestown Redevelopment Commission. The town is planning to assist with funding the project by issuing an economic development revenue bond not to exceed $4 million.

The developers are also expected to apply for a tax abatement in the future. If all approvals are met, construction on GreenParke could begin in June 2019 and is expected to be complete in April 2027.