New Clinton County YMCA CEO Wants Community Input

New Clinton County Family YMCA CEO Emilee Norris had a very blunt message on what she wants from her organization.

“I really want us to get out into the community,” she said. “I want us to be present for things. I want us to be at the cultural festivities. I want us to be at the festivals that we have in the summer. I want us to really work on partnering outwardly as much as we can.”

At a community luncheon Thursday, Norris revealed how she wants to proceed in her new role.

Norris was born and raised on Frankfort. Following an 11-year hiatus from her hometown, Norris is now back in the area with a very specific request.

“I’d like to offer the community more,” she said. “I keep putting out this message…’Talk to me. Tell me what needs the community has. What do you want to see here? What do you want the ‘Y’ to offer?'”

One of the things that will happen is there will be 40 campers doing various events during spring break all this coming week. Norris added there will be activities going day and night while parents of the campers are at work. She added she would like to do some community nights over the summer such as open gym and possibly indoor dodge ball along with indoor soccer.

“We have an incredible staff here,” said Norris. “They are dedicated very service minded individuals. Building our staff from within had to be done.”

The YMCA is located at 950 South Maish Road in Frankfort. For more information, you can call 765-654-9622.