Clinton County Fair Officially Underway

With the first two days of the Clinton County 4-H Fair in the books, it looks like this annual event could be a record-setting pace for attendance.

Jamie Blacker of the Clinton County Fair Council said Monday morning crowds on Saturday and Sunday were on track to eclipse previous records and with temperatures being in the low to mid 80s forecast for the remainder of the week, it looks promising for a lot of people at the fair. Monday is the only day where the temperature us forecast to be in the upper 80s.

Monday at the fair has two shows of note — the Goat Show, which is scheduled tor the morning hours. and the Dog Agility Show, which is slated for Monday evening.

One other event going  on is Pedal Tractor Pull, which is for those ages3 3-9 and is sponsored by the Clinton Central FFA Chapter.. It is scheduled to begin at 4p.m. in the CIS Livestock Show Arena.

Huesman Amusements will be open 5-11 p.m. through Saturday.

The Clinton County 4-H Parade was held Sunday afternoon under glorious weather conditions — crystal clear blue skies and temperatures around 80 degrees.