County Council Approves New Schedule That Should Improve Budget Process

The Clinton C0unty Council will be using a meeting schedule in 2024 that will have a slight change in it from the past.

“We did change our schedule just slightly for next year,” said County Council President Alan Dunn. “It was related to the budget process at the late end of the summer. Traditionally, we have the first budget reading in late August and then the second reading in early September.”

Dunn said this move really only effects the budget which they will not start about three weeks later than in the past. This will help the council have more information available to do their budget than in the past.

The Council approved the agreement between the county and Clinton County EMS to make sure they have the most up-to-date cardiac monitors available in ambulances.

“We have an issue coming up with an end-of-life scenario on the cardiac monitors that are included in each of our ambulances,” said Dunn. “They really are the centerpiece of equipment in any ambulance truck that responds to a citizen in the county. We have had a couple of those pieces that have had repair and we had to send them off.”

Dunn added this means that when the newest members become available that Clinton County EMS gets to have the newest monitors first.

Dunn was also asked his reaction about the retirement of fellow County Councilman Clark Beard.

“Clark is a very wise, experienced business leader in the community,” said Dunn. “So many times, I’ll find when trying to consider things from a different angle, I’ll call Clark and we’d have a conversation. He’s been so valuable to me personally.”

Beard has been on the County Council for seven years and will retire at the end of the year.