Colfax Christian Church Launches Fundraiser For Del Valley Family

Colfax Christian Church has announced efforts to fundraise for the Del Valley family following the death of pastor Paul Del Valley earlier this year on July 19 in his honor.

The church stated that community members in the Colfax area have inquired as to how they may help the Del Valley family, which sparked the church to develop a plan to meet the needs of the family and honor Pastor Paul Del Valley for his dedication to the community, the church, his family and his faith.

“Even though we are joyful Paul is no longer suffering from cancer and is in heaven with our Father, our hearts still miss him,” the church released. “His family misses him.”

The church stated that while his family stays at the parsonage for as long as they wish, the church members are anticipating the purchase of a large gift to help support them, which has led to the launch of a fundraiser.

Community members who feel called to help are encouraged to deliver an envelope with cash or a check made out directly to Kayla Del Valley to the church address at 314 S. Clark St., Colfax, IN 46035 to ensure that the Del Valley family receives the entirety of the donation. Community members may also donate through the church’s Givelify link by selecting “other,” and adding a message that states “Gift for Kayla Del Valley and kids.” According to the church, fees will be taken out of the gift by the service if donated online. The Givelify link may be found here.

“Whichever way you choose to give, we ask that you do it with a cheerful heart,” the church released. “Paul Del Valley was a Godly man who gave his life to serving God. He still encouraged our church congregation until his last day. His only worry was to make sure his family was going to be taken care of after he passed, and we would love to do that for him.”

Paul Del Valley, family and friends.
– Collage courtesy of Colfax Christian Church