Carroll County Clerk’s Office To Conduct Public Test Tomorrow, April 2

The Carroll County Clerk’s Office has announced its public test on April 2 at 6 p.m. for the upcoming election.

The 2024 Primary Election Public Test will take place on Tuesday, April 2 at 6 p.m. in the former museum, and the Clerk’s Office encouraged community members who wish to be involved to attend the public test and participate.

The goal of the public test is to ensure the voting machines are calibrated and accurate in portraying the ballot completed by community members in preparation for the upcoming 2024 primary election. As well, the Clerk’s Office released a statement regarding the public test, stating that the public’s participation further cements the office’s goal of ensuring the validity and transparency of the election in Carroll County.

”I would love to show and explain to everyone in attendance what an integrity enriched election looks like in Carroll County,” the office released.