City Of Lafayette Releases Warning For Sewage Overflow

The City of Lafayette released a cautionary warning for residents and visitors encouraging them to be careful while visiting waterways within the city during periods of heavy rainfall or snow melts this morning, Monday, May 20 around 7:45 a.m.

The city stated that during heavy rains or periods of melting snow, the wastewater and storm water that trickles into the sewer system may exceed the capacity it is designed to hold. As a result of the increased amount of water in the combined sewer system, the sewers in older areas of Lafayette may experience overflow, which sends untreated sewage and rainwater into the city’s waterways. Due to current forecasts and recent storms, the city released information on how community members may remain safe while dealing with the waterways that may have been affected.

The city stated that community members should avoid contact with water downstream of the combined sewers, which includes the Wabash River downstream of Greenbush Street and the Durkees Run ditch.

Signs have been posted along the water ways to help identify the 10 combined sewer outfalls along with areas where contact with the untreated water may become hazardous for someone’s health. The city stated that even during dry weather, avoiding contact with the downstream water ways is beneficial.

When visiting areas affected by the possibility of overflow, community members are encouraged to avoid contact with urban streams, especially during rainy days as well as three days after the rain ceases, alter activities to avoid contact with the water, wash hands as soon as possible after contacting waterways, especially before eating, and use a waterless hand sanitizer when the possibility of water contact is high.

The city released a statement regarding the information where it clarified its dedication to maintain clean waterways.

“Clean waterways are a priority for the City of Lafayette,” the city released. “The City has implemented many projects to improve our waterways and reduce and eliminate sewage overflow. There has been substantial investments to modernize and increase capacity at the wastewater treatment plant, including increased storage capacities in rain events.”

For more information regarding the combined sewer overflows, visit or call 765-807-1800 and ask to speak with Brad Talley.