Cold Weather Alters Rossville Presentation on Upcoming Solar Eclipse

Rossville Superintendent Dr. Jim Hanna has notified us and members of the Clinton County School Safety Commission that there has been a program change due to the weather for the upcoming presentation on the eclipse. The following is the letter he sent.

Dear Clinton County School Safety Commission Members,

I sent an invitation out earlier this month inviting you to an informative presentation about the upcoming eclipse on April 8, 2024, conducted by Mr. Dan McGlaun. Mr. McGlaun is a renowned expert on eclipses and has developed a comprehensive website,, which offers valuable resources and a simulator to visualize the eclipse’s path from any location. Due to the weather forecast of extremely cold temperatures, we have rescheduled the original program.

Mr. McGlaun will deliver a presentation to our students on Thursday, January 18, 2024. There will be two sessions: one for grades three through five, another for middle school students, and a third for high school students. The elementary presentation will be geared toward third through fifth-grade students from 12:30 p.m. until 1:20 p.m. The most suitable presentation for adults is the middle/senior high school session from 1:30 p.m. until 2:15 p.m. The event will occur in our auditorium, Enter Door E 8, with doors opening 15 minutes before each session. The doors will close just before the presentation so that it may occur uninterrupted. Please ensure your timely arrival for security purposes.

The auditorium is handicapped accessible, and we encourage patrons to attend.

Additionally, we organized a community meeting on the same day, January 18, 2024, starting at 7:00 p.m. This session will also be hosted in the Rossville Middle/Senior High School auditorium, 1 Robert Egly Drive, Rossville, Indiana. The program is expected to last approximately one hour. We welcome your attendance at this event. Mr. McGlaun will have eclipse glasses on sale at the evening event.

Rossville Schools will be closed on April 8, 2024, to allow families to observe the eclipse safely as they see fit.

The website provides detailed eclipse timings, eclipse viewing information for every city in North Americaeclipse resources for everyone to use, and the fantastic eclipse simulator to show you exactly what the eclipse will look like from any location! The site also has educational information on eclipses (from very simple to VERY technical!), all-important eclipse eye safety information, and eclipse viewing instructions! It’s all about bringing you ALL the necessary eclipse planning information so you can watch the 2024 total solar eclipse safely on April 8, 2024!

Thank you for considering this invitation, and we’re looking forward to this engaging and informative event.


Dr. Jim Hanna, Superintendent