Community Easter Egg Hunt Sponsored By Lewis Wheeler For Mayor

Story contributor Tammy Danner

A great time was had by all that attended the Easter Egg hunt on Saturday at the old Kyger School property hosted by Lewis Wheeler. There was a turn out with over 300 children and parents attending. It started out when the Easter Bunny arriving at 2 p.m. the children were divided into four (4) age groups. The age groups were 0-3 years old, 4-6 years old, 7-8 years old and 9 and older. There were 2000 eggs put out for the children and needless to say it did not take them long to search and find them. After the egg hunt the children were directed to have their picture taken with the Easter Bunny and received a goody bag. The children were also treated with cookies, brownies and Lemonade.
They were able to play games one being a Bunny Hop and those that won were presented with a gift.
It was a beautiful day for an Easter Egg hunt and we would like to thank Jennifer Davis for taking the pictures with the Easter Bunny, Reggie Morgan and Erick Dirck’s for using their drone and taking pictures of all that attended. Would also like to thank Rodney and Kristine Mount’s for donating cookies, Lemonade, Mary Ann Peters for volunteering her time helping the Easter Bunny pass out the goody bags, Ashleigh and Chris Johnson helping with hiding the eggs. Enjoy Photos below and video with music written and performed by Randy Beard and Produced by Erick Dircks.

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Photo by Erick Dircks
Photo by Erick Dircks