Fly Over Some Beautiful Country Side With Erick Dircks

Some Beautiful nature for you to enjoy taken by Erick Dircks and drone.  Some times we do not have the time to stop and enjoy the beauty so Erick has done that for us on a road trip to Brown County State Park, and Yellowwood State Forest.

Story contributor: Erick Dircks.

Come fly with me over Brown County and enjoy the colorful trees that look like coral reef motion in the ocean, Just waiting on the tropical fish to swim between them.

Joining the flight was a black buzzard possibly looking for one of those fish. Anything is possible in the virtual world. Sit back and enjoy the colorful fall colors without leaving Indiana.

Fly with me also over property adjacent to Brown County State Park. Watch the wind make the trees dance to enchanting music composed & performed by Russell Kaspar.

Enjoy the beautiful Fall Colors without leaving Indiana. Proud to be a Hoosier “Back Home in Indiana”
Song “Enchanting” Composed & Performed by Russell Kaspar.

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Produced by Erick F Dircks 10-13-2022