Green Meadows Launches New Lunchroom Incentive

Green Meadows Intermediate School announced a new incentive for the 2024-2025 school year to honor those who act as role models for the day and encourage others to follow in their footsteps.

Green Meadows announced that beginning this year, the Golden Tray Award table will be presented as a reward for students displaying positive characteristics and discipline during the lunch hours.

During the lunch period, the lunchroom monitors will observe the behaviors of the students and will select the top table of the lunch period, who will be determined specifically on their ability to follow expectations.

During the next lunch period, the awarded table will be treated to the Golden Tray Award table on the stage where they will be able to dine with the golden tray and their friends.

A group of students enjoys the Golden Tray Award table.
– Photo courtesy of Green Meadows