Kirks Crossing Festival Has Plans To Raise The Bar Next Year

Kirks Crossing Festival is on a roll.  The nine member planning committee just came off a successful festival and is making plans to take the festival to the next level in the next few years.   Festival committee member Bethany Perlee gives this update on the Kirk’s Crossing Festival as it looks to the future:

By Bethany Perlee:

Hard-work and dedication doesn’t even begin to describe the young Kirk’s Crossing 2018 planning committee of nine. These nine committee members either grew up in Kirklin or married into the community.

Pictures of Water Ball Tournement by Erick Dircks, CLICK HERE

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The main mission of the Kirk’s Crossing Festival Committee is to bring the event back to what it once was many years ago.

We hope this year’s festival was a taste of what is yet to come as we work hard to rebuild the event.  We are so appreciative for Metzinger Construction for being our weekend sponsor and to our event sponsors Sparks Construction, Kirklin Library, Excel Tool and Engineering, K&G Time Travlers, JenPing with Shelter Insurance, KTown Storage, Dale and Karen Bowman, Sugar Creek Crickets 4H Club, Kirklin Auxiliary Women, Archibald Farms, Dunn Brothers, Kirklin Christian Church, The Farmers Bank, and RD’s Electric.

The Kirk’s Crossing Festival Committee has lots of great ideas and are thankful for the ideas we were able to put into play this year including:

-Free movie night

-Blood drive

-RC Derby

-3 on 3 tournament


-TBall tourney and more.

Without the great Kirklin community we have here in our heart of Clinton County this would not be able to happen. We are already looking to next year!

2018 was the first year for the water ball tournament and this event brought firefighters ranging from Plymouth to Terre Haute Indiana.  The firefighter water ball tourney was made up of 16 teams and competed for the Kirk’s Crossing Water Ball title.  7 teams came from Clinton County alone.  A Water Ball tournament is excellent training for the firemen and an even better way to have a little fun and enjoy some camaraderie with fellow fireman from around the state.

After a long day of battle, Plymouth Fire Department headed home with the first and second place trophy and Culver Fire Department took 3rd. The Kirks Crossing Festival committee would like to thank Johnson Township Vol. Fire Department for bringing the waterball equipment and thank all the firemen who joined in the fun.

Erick Dircks put together a collection of pictures and videos to showcase the Waterball Tournement this year as the committee looks to make this an annual event.

Pictures of Water Ball Tournement by Erick Dircks, CLICK HERE

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