Maple Syrup Festival a Hit at Camp Cullom: VIDEO

It was an exhausting but exhilarating two days for Camp Cullom Board members with help from Girl and Boy Scout volunteers and student volunteers from the Frankfort High School C.R.A.S.H. Organization.  Several hundred visitors from all over Indiana and beyond visited the 90 acre Camp Cullom while Nick Atchley with Atchley Farms and Shane Trenary made Maple Syrup in the Camp Sugar Shack.  Nick and his team went through about 1300 gallons of SAP to make about 30 gallons of syrup from about 200 Camp Cullom Maple Trees. Atchley helped renovate and operated a stainless steel evaporator given to the Camp years ago as a gift.  

Camp Cullom was on the “Official” Indiana Maple Syrup Festival Trail for the first time this year.  About 600 visitors were served in two days, pulling in about $4,000 in Free Will offerings before expenses.

The Camp served hundreds of buttermilk pancakes while visitors toured the Sugar Shack and walked the Camp in sunny March weather. Independent vendors sold locally sourced Honey, Maple Syrup, Carmel Corn and Cookies in the Nature Center while pancakes were served in the lodge complete with a fire in the large fireplace.

If you would like to try some Atchley Farm Syrup made from Camp Cullom Maple Trees, go to

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