Senator Mike Braun Visits Frankfort Tuesday

Senator Mike Braun visited leaders in Clinton County at Trinity Hope Center while on his way tourning all 92 Indiana Counties and hearing what’s going on in in local communities. Senator Braun is on the ticket in the November race for Governor.

Carol Price began with introductions of Mike Braun and the community leaders which included many leaders of Clinton County such as Mark Genda, Indiana House District 41, Mayor Judy Sheets-City of Frankfort, Jordon Brewer, Commissioner President, Alan Dunn-Council President, Mike Hensley-Council, Taylor Crenshaw-City Council,  Jim Moyer- Republican Central Committee President, Rodney Wann,- Clinton County Health Department Administrator, Chris Ward- Director Of the Trinity Hope Center for recovery, Anne Hazlett-Senior Director of Government relations and Public relations for Purdue University, and Lora Archibald- Executive Director Of Healthy Communities of Clinton County. There were many leaders in attendance.

The main speaker of the meeting was Lora Archibal- Director of Healthy Communities as she talked about all of the outlet programs in place for Clinton County Community residents. Senator Braun was impressed with all the the progress in Clinton County and Healthy Communities.

Chris Ward also spoke about his roll in recovery with Clinton County at Trinity Hope Center.

A lot of information was covered in the meeting in nearly an hour.