Tatum Pays City Over $1,600 for Malfeasance During His Term

Former Frankfort Parks Superintendent Joel Tatum has paid the City of Frankfort $1,613.48 due to malfeasance during his term as the Parks Superintendent.

Tatum was fired on October 11 after financial variances were brought to the attention of Frankfort City officials as related to the operation of the Frankfort Parks Department.

According to a State Board of Accounts summary, Tatum was found in violation of the following items: cash not deposited, vending machines/revenue, deposits not made timely, date of receipts, cash disbursements and internal controls.

During the investigation, it was discovered that the parks superintendent had take some animals belonging to the City of Frankfort and sold them at auction for cash and purchased other animals without proper documentation or authorization.

Tatum also opened a bank account in his name only and deposited a portion of the accumulated cash collections from the vending machines. Cash donations collected from locked boxes at the zoo were given to Tatum and receipts were not dated when the funds were collected.