The Frankfort City Council approved the first reading of an amended alcohol ordinance that would allow alcohol in Prairie Creek Park and the Neighborhood Center under certain specific instances by a 5-1 vote Monday night.
“It was requested by several city councilmen that I place this back on the agenda tonight,” said Frankfort Mayor Chris McBarnes. “This was an amended alcohol ordinance. This specifically doesn’t allow any alcohol in any city-owned parks except Prairie Creek Park on specific occasions and the Neighborhood Center.”
A similar ordinance was on the July 22 agenda to pass an alcohol ordinance for city parks. The measure was approved 3-2. However, since two council members were not present, the measure died because it did not have the majority of four to pass.
“Individuals will have to have levels of liability insurance, they will have to have security, they will have to have the proper permits and licensing to sell alcohol or distribute alcohol,” said McBarnes. “Then there will have to be a specific plan for actually keeping the alcohol confined in a certain area of those venues.”
McBarnes cited the Hot Dog Festival where alcohol was served in fenced-in areas during the weekend music concerts of Kyle Cook and the Kentucky Head Hunters. The same is expected to hold true when the Oktoberfest celebration takes place on Saturday, October 12, at Prairie Creek Park.
Councilman Lewis Wheeler cast the lone ‘no’ vote.
“This is inconsistent with the family values that we are trying to have in the city,” said Wheeler. “I think it’s a mistake.”
Councilman David Hussey, who voted against the original ordinance, was absent from the meeting.
This amended ordinance has two more readings to pass before it becomes law. As of now, those readings are scheduled to happen on Monday, September 9, and Monday, September 23.
The council announced they are cancelling their next meeting on Monday, August 26.