Burton Named Executive Director of CCEC Department


Brooklyn Burton has been named Executive Director of Career Coaching and Employer Connections (CCEC) for Ivy Tech Community College Lafayette.

Burton will oversee and manage the CCEC team in fulfilling training, education, work-and-learn, and placement needs of employers in the campus service area. The CCEC team is dedicated to helping students achieve their career goals through Career Development Portfolios (CDP), work-and-learn experiences for students and employers, career coaching, placement of students in jobs upon graduation, and fulfillment of training, education, and talent pipelines for employers. The CCEC Office coordinates with the College’s Academic Affairs, Student Success, and Enrollment Services, and area employers, government, education, and community organizations to develop strategies and initiatives to assist students and employers.

Burton previously served Ivy Tech Lafayette as Workforce Consultant for the Workforce Alignment Office. Prior to coming to Ivy Tech, Burton served as project manager for the Region 4 Workforce Board. She implemented and oversaw the evaluation, reporting and overall impact of the American’s Promise Job Driven and Ready to Work grant initiatives. The grants totaled over $13 million and established work-based learning programs in advanced manufacturing through a 12-county region. She fostered partnerships with area manufacturers and helped develop training curriculum that included hands-on advanced manufacturing training and apprenticeships.

She graduated cum laude from Indiana State University with a bachelor of science degree in speech communication and public relations. She was named a 2019 Tippy Connect Top 10 Under 40 by Tippy Connect Young Professionals in connection with Greater Lafayette Commerce.

Burton has served the community as a career coach member of Skillful Indiana, board member and marketing service representative for the Public Schools Foundation of Tippecanoe County, and volunteer lead for Boiler Bridge Bash.