CINDAS Relocates to Purdue Aerospace District

Inside INdiana Business is reporting that a private company that compiles data on materials properties and aerospace structural metals has relocated to the Purdue Research Park Aerospace District. CINDAS LLC owners Frank and Patricia Mason says the move into the Purdue Technology Center Aerospace building is the latest sign of the company’s growth.

CINDAS LLC compiles and disseminates the data collected and analyzed by the Center for Information and Numerical Data Analysis and Synthesis at Purdue, according to its website. The company manages databases on various materials and structural metals for numerous clients in the aerospace and defense industries, including the Department of Defense and NASA.

“We constantly update and expand these databases. They are not stagnant,” said Frank Mason. “We are considered the gold standard for the aerospace community for materials property data and thermophysical properties.”

The Masons, who privatized the company in 2003, hope the relocation to the Aerospace District will help them stay better connected to the aerospace community.