City Officials Step Up Fine Enforcement Against Trains

City officials are calling upon Frankfort residents who witness trains blocking City rail crossings for more than 10 minutes to contact Clinton County Central Dispatch at 765-654-5563 and report the rail company name.

“We need everyone’s assistance in reporting these instances to our dispatch center to create a paper trail proving how significant this issue has become in our community,” Mayor Chris McBarnes said. “With the information provided by our residents who witness trains blocking our crossings, we will send a police officer to the appropriate rail yard and if it’s determined the company violated Indiana state statute, we will fine them to the largest extent of the law.”

According to the Mayor, trains blocking the community’s rail crossings is becoming more frequent, causing safety and traffic hazards for area motorists.

“With public safety our number one priority, this ridiculous situation that we have received no reasonable explanation for from any rail company is an issue we will not ignore. One of the companies was fined recently for blocking County Road 200, otherwise known as Roy Scott Parkway, for more than one hour. That case is headed to our City Court to complete the fine process through our judicial system.

“I need to emphasize the importance of residents knowing which rail company is blocking the crossing when they report the instance to our dispatchers. It’s going to take all of us working together to make a difference here as we are fighting corporate giants. Enough is enough and we will fight the good fight,” McBarnes said.