Clinton Central Football Scrimmage Held Thursday Evening

It is hard to believe we are thinking football when it seems school just let out for the summer but the Clinton Central Bulldogs are gearing up for their 2024 football season.

“No Juice No Use” is Coach Fendley’s motto and can be seen on the back of the coaches shirts.
We definitely witnessed some juice on the field Thursday evening.

The Bulldogs hosted a scrimmage with Benton Central, North Western, North Decatur, and of course the Bulldogs in a fun evening of scrimmage.

In another month football will begin with the Bulldogs having another scrimmage and then as always the Bulldogs will play Frankfort in the first regular game of the season.

During the scrimmage the Bulldogs moved the ball very well down the field in rushing and passing.

Kaspar Media will be following football with Clinton, Carroll, and Boone County Daily News, and Hoosierlandtv.

Looking forward to covering many games this fall.
