Hospital Agreement Scheduled to Take Place Next Week

The long awaited agreement of the hospital switch over from St. Vincent Health to IU Health is about to become official next week.

“We’re going to finalize the agreement with St. Vincent Health and IU Health that will officially complete the transition of the hospital operation from St. Vincent Health to IU Health,” said Clinton County Council President Alan Dunn following Tuesday’s Clinton County Council meeting. “We had some time after the actual physical transition to settle some things. We’ve gotten those topics done and on paper and we’re ready to do the approvals.”

The finalized agreement is scheduled to take place at a meeting Wednesday, August 22, at 9 a.m. in the Commissioners Room of the Clinton County Courthouse.

The council also approved a pair of ordinances to create a new fund to help with improvements of the Clinton County Fairgrounds.

“If you recall, we had an announcement from IU Health of their intention to donate $100,000 towards the grandstands,” said Dunn. “We created a fund to actually receive that donation and specifies it use for grandstand renovation.”

One of those ordinances approved a pair of appropriations totaling $850,000 to begin work on the Horlacher Drain, which needs new drainage tile to take care of standing water and flooding issues in the area, and to begin the design engineering work on the infrastructure project that would take sewer and wastewater from County Road 450 West out to the intersection of State Road and Interstate 65.

The council also announced that Ben Pfeffer would be their newest appointment to the Clinton County Fair Council.

“We’re excited to have appointed Ben Pfeffer to be the new County Council appointment to the Clinton County Fair Council,” said Dunn. “Ben reached out to us with interest level early in the process and sent us a resume that I think blew away a lot of the members of the council. He was obviously eager and excited to be a part of that effort.”