Rossville Schools Continues Its Box Tops For Education Incentive

Rossville Elementary School has announced the continuation of its Box Tops for Education program that has taken a new form over the past few years with a digital option.

During the program, community members may purchase participating products and utilize the Box Tops mobile app to scan the store receipt, and the app will identify the eligible products and automatically add Box Tops to the school’s earnings online. For those shopping online or utilizing grocery pickup, e-receipts may also be submitted to earn Box Tops. Twice a year, the school receives a check.

“Your earnings may seem small, but they really do add up,” the school released. “The more people that participate, the bigger the impact we can make. So, let’s give our teachers the support they need and help give more kids the opportunity to dream. Little by little, we can help make a big difference.”

The Box Tops program has swept across the country for over 20 years, and the Box Tops for Education incentive has reportedly raised almost $1 billion for schools since 1996. In 2019, the program evolved to bypass the need for physical Box Tops to be collected by the schools by launching the Box Tops app.

“During this challenging time, our teachers and students need more help than ever,” the school released. “No matter what school looks like, Box Tops for Education is a fast and easy way for you to help out from home.”

Rossville Schools has encouraged community members to participate in the program this year to continue helping the teachers of the community.