BZA Approves Pizza King at Corner of Walnut and Williams

The Board of Zoning Appeals voted 3-1 Wednesday night to approve a new Pizza King to be established at the corner of Walnut and Williams in Frankfort.

“I think everybody wants to see growth in Frankfort and the majority of the board agreed with this because of the precautions taken with the fencing, additional curb and sidewalk and all the other conditions that it should be approved,” said BZA Board President Kevin Myers.

The area where the proposed business is going into is residential. However, board members said there are at least four or five other businesses in houses in that area.

John Faucett, who was the applicant of the new business, requested a use variance to allow a retail food establishment in a “B” residential district and a variance to allow signage. The request is located on the southeast corner of East Walnut Street and Williams Road and consists of the north part of Lot 24 of Southard’s 3rd Addition. The dimension of this lot is about 66 feet by 120 feet in size. The petition site has a residential structure on it, but has been used in the past as an insurance office.

Faucett said this would be a carryout only business with no alcohol being served. Parking will be available in the back of the building for those individuals coming to pick up their order. Hours would be from 4-9 p.m. or 4-10 p.m. seven days a week, according to Faucett.

Five individuals voiced their disapproval of the project with the main issue being traffic problems in the area. Parking was also an issue for Myers, who cast the lone against the project.

“My concern has always been the traffic right there at that intersection,” said Myers. “There’s so many empty establishments in Frankfort right now that probably could have been better places. But the majority of the board disagreed with that.”

An exact opening date for the business was not revealed.