Clinton County Investing in New Election Panels for $182,000

Clinton County to Invest in New Election Panels
New Technology to be Rolled Out During 2024 General Election


(FRANKFORT, AUGUST 9, 2024) – The Clinton County Commissioners and Council have approved the purchase of 65 new election panels. This significant upgrade, costing $182,000, marks a pivotal step towards enhancing the voting experience and ensuring election integrity in Clinton County.

The current panels, which have served the county for over 20 years, will be replaced by advanced models featuring clearer, color-contrasting screens and an illuminated “Cast Ballot” button to guide voters more effectively. These features are designed to improve accessibility and usability for all voters, ensuring a smoother and more reliable voting process.

“Our existing panels have been reliable but are now outdated,” says Clinton County Clerk Stephanie Harshbarger. “Our vendor, Microvote, has had to piece-meal repairs from retired panels for several years now. The new panels will provide a much-needed improvement in voter experience and security.”

Clinton County plans to have the new panels in place for the 2024 General Election in November. They will be paid for with the clerk’s 2025 budget. Next year is an “off election year” so the clerk should not have any additional election expenses. Harshbarger is also hoping to secure a grant that will help cover some of the costs.

“Upgrading to the latest voting technology is crucial for maintaining the integrity and efficiency of the electoral process,” says Steve Shamo, General Manager of Microvote. “Our panels are designed with the latest security features and user-friendly interfaces to help counties like Clinton stay at the forefront of election technology.”