Mural Finished At Kirklin American Legion In Time For Annual Rabbit Supper

Annual rabbit supper in Kirklin was a packed house once again Saturday evening. The ladies auxiliary and members of the legion post 310 put together a wonderful dinner. Many brought in dishes and deserts to share also. As always the Veteran’s are recognized.

Key events Saturday evening were first presenting the beautiful mural designed and completed by local artists Leah and Scott Kallner. Leah says that this is her first mural and it was an honor to paint the 93 ft. by 9 ft. Also this was her first mural. About two hundred hours went into completion of the entire mural.

Raffle tickets were sold for a chance to win a beautiful wooden handmade flag. Long time member and current Commander of the Legion Jerry Shore has two grandchildren that bought tickets and put “Jerry Shore” on the tickets. When his name was called he paused for photos with the kids and they presented him with the flag for an early Christmas gift.

A good time was had by all and thank you Veteran’s for your service.

Pledge before dinner
Commander Jerry Shore and grandchildren “Winner of the American Flag”
Everyone enjoyed the evening no matter what age.