USB Employees to Receive Bonus Pays

The Utility Service Board unanimously approved bonus pays for their full-time employees Monday night.

“We want to give a one-time bonus that is paid twice,” said USB Chairman Kent Brewer. “The first time will be in July and the second will be by the end of November. The main thinking behind that is our employees have to fight the same thing as anyone else which is high gas prices and high food prices.”

Brewer added the bonus includes two payments of $1,500 with taxes coming out. He added both payments will be no lower than $1,500 and the second payment could be more when they re-evaluate the situation in October.

“They are the ones that work in the sanitary water, they’re the ones that come out in storms and they’re the ones that make sure you have water in your house,” said Brewer. “Right now our employees are stretched with all the construction on State Road 28.”